



Собиновский фестиваль



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Главная страница Собиновский фестиваль Конкурс конкурсов вокалистов 2018 The conditions of competition

The conditions of competition

Competition of competitions of vocalists XXXII Sobinov musical festival is held from 4 to 6 October, the final concert — October 7, 2020.

The Contest is open to singers under 35 years of age who have earlier won prizes, awards, and diplomas in other Russian and/or international voice competitions. (Saratov singers do not participate in the competition). The Jury panel is headed by Professor Yuri Kochnev, People’s Artist of Russia, National Prize Winner. The panel comprises distinguished musicians, conductors, principal singers of the Saratov Opera, and voice and opera professors of the Sobinov State Conservatoire of Saratov.

12 persons will be admitted to the contest at the discretion of the jury on the basis of nomination sheets-questionnaires. The competitive test consists of two rounds and is held in the form of public concerts within the Sobinov music festival. All 12 vocalists admitted to the contest participate in both rounds.

The order of appearance will be determined by lot which is held separately for each round. The jury awards all prizes within a set number and does not divide them among the participants. The decision of jury is definitive and not subject to revision.

To the application form should also be attached

  • Copy of relevant passport pages (the first page and registration).
  • Copy of the Insurance certificate of obligatory pension insurance (for citizens of the Russian Federation)
  • Copy of Prize Winner’s diploma verifying your success in other competitions.
  • Creative autobiography
  • One colored photo in jpeg format printing resolution
  • Video recordings of performances (at the request of contestants)

No admission fee required

For participation in the contest it is necessary to send the application form to the e-mail address sar-opera.pr@mail.ru or mail:
Russia 410012 Saratov
Teatralnaya pl.1, Saratov Opera and Ballet
Organizing Committee of Voice Contest; before
September 15, 2020 (date is determined by postmark)

The Organizing Committee provides the competitors free accommodation while in contest.

Contestants shall cover their travel costs at their own expense.

Qualified accompanists will be available to contestants free of charge for 3 rehearsal and performance in the first round. Scanned copies of notes of works of the 1st round must be sent by the contest participants before September 18, 2020.

For performances an evening toilet is required (for men-a tail or concert suit, for women-a concert dress). Winners must perform at least once in an away concert and the final concert of the festival free of charge (Should a prizewinner refuse to appear and perform, his award in terms of money shall be reduced by 30 per cent.) Prizewinners of the year have no right of application for this Contest within the subsequent three years. They may however be invited to appear as special guests of our further Festivals.

The organizing Committee reserves the right to make contest audio and video recordings and use them for commercial purposes without extra charge.


  • One First Prize of 100000 rubles (Courtesy of the Governor) and a Laureate’s Diploma.
  • One Second Prize of 75000 rubles and a Laureate’s Diploma.
  • One third Prize of 50000 rubles and a Laureate’s Diploma.

The Jury reserves the right to award one at the least, and three at the most, encouragement prizes of 20000 rubles each.

In addition to the above is provided a Prize of spectator sympathies of the General partner of the Contest. The winner is determined by the simple voting of the spectators (the sum of two rounds). The prize is a trip to one of the «Opera cities» of the world with a visit to the Opera and ballet theatre.

I Tour (accompanied by a piano)

  • A native folk song of the competitor’s country.
  • A romance by a Russian composer.
  • An art song by a European composer.

II Tour (with orchestra)

  • Aria from the operas of Russian composers.
  • Aria from the operas of Western European composers.

The works of both tours are performed in the original language.
Preferably are arias covering the full range of this voice.

Repertoire options for the Semifinals (the II Tour)

Operas of Russian composers

A. Dargomyzhsky «Mermaid»
M. Glinka «Ruslan and Lyudmila», «Ivan Susanin»
A. Borodin «Prince Igor»
M. Mussorgsky «Khovanshchina» (orchestration by D. Shostakovich) «Boris Godunov» (Rev. Rimsky-Korsakov)
E. Napravnik «Dubrovsky»
S. Rachmaninov «Alec», «Francesca da Rimini» (only aria Francesca)
N. Rimsky-Korsakov «Tsar’s Bride», " A Night in May «, «Sadko», «Snow Maiden»
A. Rubinstein «The Demon»
P. Tchaikovsky «Eugene Onegin», «Queen of Spades», «Iolanta», «Orleans Maiden», «Mazepa», «Sorceress», «Fancy Shoes (Tcherevichki)» (Only Arias Vakula and Oksana)

Operas of foreign composers

v. Bellini «Norma» (Norma’s cavatina only)
G. Bizet «Carmen», «Pearl Divers»
R. Wagner «Tannhauser», «Lohengrin»
G. Verdi «Aida», «Rigoletto», «La Traviata», «Il Trovatore», «Othello», «Don Carlos», «Un Ballo in Maschera», «Ernani» (Elvira’s scene and cavatina only), «La Forza del Destino» («Pace, pace», Rodolfo’s and Alvaro’s arias), «I Vespri Siciliani» (Elena’s Bolero only)
C. Gounod «Faust», «Pomeo et Juliet» (Juliet’s Waltz only)
L. Delibes «Lakme» (the legend of Lakme)
G. Donizetti «Lucia di Lammermoor», «L’Elisir d’Amore', «La Fille du regiment» (Tonio’s song only)
R. Leoncavallo «I Pagliacci»
P. Mascagni «Cavalleria Rusticana»
S. Moniuszko «Halka» (Jontek’s «meditation» aria only)
W. Mozart «Die Zauberflote», «Don Giovanni», «Le Nozze di Figaro»
G. Puccini «Madama Butterfly», «Tosca», «Turandot» (only Liu’s aria), «La Boheme»
G. Rossini «II Barbiere di Siviglia», «William Tell»
C. Caint-Saens «Samson et Dalila»

For more information call:
Phone: + 7 909 339 7475
8–(8452) 27-84-21
www.operabalet.ru The conditions of competition

Address: Russia, 410012, Saratov, Teatralnaya pl.1, Saratov Opera and Ballet


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